Chinese New Year

Chinese NewYear 

We enjoyed making our Chinese foods to celebrate the Chinese new year. We were able to make dumplings and tangyuan.

This week we learned about objects moving clockwise and anticlockwise. We revisited the meaning of quarter and half and used this information to move objects half and quarter turns, clockwise and anti clockwise.

Everybody loves to eat. This week we looked at what animals eat. We talked about food chains. We learned that the sun gives the green plants energy, this in turn, through various food chains gives us the energy to grow and be healthy. We drew our own food chains.

We had a few birthday celebrations recently. Happy birthday to the boys involved. Hope you had a great day at school and then at home.

Our theme this week was "Teamwork" The children worked in teams to complete challenges set by Mr John.


The students are being encouraged to think about how they can become good writers. We are learning to make sure we use: full stops, capital letters and use adjectives to make our stories interesting. Other skills we have been focusing on are  reading over their work, to make sure it makes sense and  trying to make our writing neater.

Play Time
Photos of the class being active at lunchtimes. 

Interesting website for kids  coordinates

Work For Next Week

Home learning
Spelling Words
having, using, making, loving, skiing, scoring, cycling, changing, taxiing, hiking
Linux Khung and Isabelle:  difficult, continue, minute, island, decide

Monday                                                                                                                         27/1/2020 

Spelling (10 min) make sure you know what the words mean! then do, Look Cover Write Check
Reading (10 min) Get your listener to ask you some questions about what you are reading to them.                       
Tuesday                                                                                                                         28/1/2020
Spelling (10 min)  Look Cover Write Check
Reading (10 min) Get your listener to ask you some questions about what you are reading to them.
Maths Telling the time worksheet

Wednesday                                                                                                                   29/1/2020 
Thai Homework                         
If there is no Thai homework they can read and learn spelling words

Thursday                                                                                                                      30/1/2020
Spelling (10 min)  Look Cover Write Check   Test tomorrow!!!
Reading (10 min) Get your listener to ask you some questions about what you are reading to them.
Maths Hit the button multiplication by 3 tables


Friday                                                                                                                           31/1/2020
Over the weekend

Use   “Study Ladder.” And “Get Epic”  User name is gyn5934

Girls and boys, Mr. John's email address is  
Email me the name of the fruit that's on the blog to win a house point.
