week 2 Term 2

Hi, to everyone connected to year 2
Welcome to week two of this term. The children have been busy learning about and writing their new years resolutions. I hope we can keep to them!

Our focus has been how to tell the time. I think we are progressing well and next week some of our homework will be about how to tell the time, just to make sure the children do know this skill.


We now know about animals habitats. Next week we will be attempting to create an animals habitat in class. We will be using boxes, paper glue, string, paint, pencils and many other recycled objects to make a diorama.


Group Reading 
We did some great reading work this week, finishing with a visit by Mr John E, who was very impressed by the students independence and effort during their work time. Well done to all of you. We are very proud of you!

The practice continues. Our goal is to using joined up writing by the end of the school year.

Ichi's Birthday
We celebrated Itch's birthday with cake and pizza. We hope you had a great birthday Itchi!

Old Toys
We are enjoying playing with the old toys that Chris's Grandmother brought in during our last unit of inquiry. These old toys are still fun today!

Study Ladder
Well done to the two boys who are working hard at completing all the tasks set for them on study ladder.  

Maths games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kHtGbnYKGc Odd and even song

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/coconut-odd-or-even odd or even game

http://flash.topmarks.co.uk/4021 number bonds to 20

https://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/earlymath/fruit_shoot_NumberLine.htm Number line

Next weeks work

Home learning
Isabella, Linux, Khung, Amelia, Shanna Tanat tried replied happier angrier busier copier hurried studied carrier married
Ichi, Awa, Austin, Aspen, tried replied happier angrier busier copier hurried Korwan Hugo Chris tried replied happier angrier busier

Monday                                                                                                                         20/1/2020        Spelling (10 min) make sure you know what the words mean! then do, Look Cover Write Check
Reading (10 min) Get your listener to ask you some questions about what you are reading to them.                       
Tuesday                                                                                                                         21/1/2020
Spelling (10 min)  Look Cover Write Check
Reading (10 min) Get your listener to ask you some questions about what you are reading to them.
Maths Telling the time worksheet

Wednesday                                                                                                                   22/1/2020 
Thai Homework                         
If there is no Thai homework they can read and learn spelling words

Thursday                                                                                                                      23/1/2020
Spelling (10 min)  Look Cover Write Check   Test tomorrow!!!
Reading (10 min) Get your listener to ask you some questions about what you are reading to them.
Maths Hit the button multiplication by 3 tables

Friday                                                                                                                           24/1/2020
Over the weekend
Use   “Study Ladder.” And “Get Epic”  User name is gyn5934
