Online Learning week 1 term 3

Week Two of Our Working Online

The children have all been trying very hard to be on time and online every day. Well done to them and to you their, mums and dads for that effort.

Miss Am and I will be back after the term break to commence the third term, sadly online. We are hoping that we are able to get back to normal very soon and be with each other again, happily in the year two classroom. 

Please enjoy your break as much as you can and Happy New Year, when it comes. 
Be safe and take care of each other.

There are many links at the bottom of his page for the children to explore over the break. There is also links for our all important flipgrid videos!!!!! 

YOUR 4 FlipGrid LINKS 

Mr. Xavi    Flipgrid    Get Your P.E. On!!!
Mr. Terry   Flipgrid    Get Your Arty On!!! 
Mr John     Flipgrid    What Happening ???
Songkran   Flipgrid    Happy Songkran!!! 

For families - ideas for activities, advice and learning tools

  • Non-screen activities to do at home - Pobble
  • Learning activities for the garden - Nature detectives - Woodland Trust
  • 50 ideas of activities to do at home - ABC Does
  • Build your own game - or play games with others online - Roll20 
