Draw your Own Clock
In maths we are moving onto learning about time. We will be finding out what a clock looks like and what the hands tell us. The learners first challenge was to draw what they thought a clock looked like. There were some interesting answers.
We will have them displayed in the classroom.

Well done to this weeks "Study Ladder" participants. 
A special mention to Chris who has has got himself started with a whopping 500 points! I hope to be handing out more certificates next week before we go on holidays.

Parent Conferences 
Last week we had our parent meetings. We would like to thank you all for coming. It is always good to meet and talk about your children's progress.

Check My Writing 

We have a chart in class that supports the students writing skills. This chart asks the children to look over their "finished work" to discover if there are any ways that they can improve their work.

Well done to Isabelle. She was brave enough to talk to the whole school about their groups suggestions about how we can look after the soil. She was helped by her brother, Ben.

Reading Group Activity 

The students are enjoying the reading tasks each day. Some students work online others read with me or complete a writing activity with Miss Am.

This week in maths we took some time to revise some of our adding skills. After this we went online to complete quizzes about "counting on" and fractions of shapes.


Reading Outside 

Some of our students went out to our garden area, at the side of our classroom to read this week. 

This week we talked about how we are all individuals and as a result of this none of us are the same. We learned that our differences should be celebrated and that the world would be very dull if we were all the same.
