Welcome to week 7s blog
Next Tuesday at 2:15 you are invited to come into the classroom to listen to the children talk about what they have learned during this half terms UOI. There will be more information in the communications book on Monday.
We spent time this week talking about the difference between centimeters and meters. after this we talked about what estimating means. The we measured large distances using meter sticks.
Our students are doing really well on study ladder and progressing through their tasks. Here are some of the awards from this week.
Story Writing Time
This week the children were writing about their passions in preparation for our passion month activities that will be happening soon. While we were writing we were trying trying to make sure that we used capital letters and full stops correctly.
Fire Drill
Every so often the school has a fire drill. This week was that time. The children have to evacuate the school and all meet safely at our designated meeting point. We walk quietly and quickly to this space.
Y7 follow up with Fruits
Recently we were visited by some year 7 students. They wanted to ask us about the fruits that we liked to eat. They came back to us this week and told us about the results they had discovered from their survey. They told us that bananas were the favourite fruit of the school.
Vaccine Letter
Please bring this letter back by Monday.
Hand Writing
We are now encouraging the children to try to use joined up writing when they have to do any writing in their English book. We still are learning the different shapes of the joined up letters in hand writing lessons.
Hit The Button
Here is a fun website for the children to practice their quickfire math knowledge. At the moment we are concentrating on number bonds to 10.
Today the national anthem was Scotland and Mr John was able to wear a little bit of national clothing to our assembly.
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