year2 week2


So what is P.S.P.E.? I hear you ask. 
Well it's the time in class where the children learn about how to develop their social skills. We will talk about manners. We will investigate ways in which we can help each other by working together. The children will learn phrases and words that will encourage their friends to try their best at their work. We will also talk about how to keep our body healthy, but not just eating well but resting and exercise being important as well. 
So these are some of the themes that the children will develop during our P.S.P.E. lessons.

This week we focused on how we can work a s team to reach our goals. 
We tried to build the tallest tower we could.

Learning  About the Calendar

We talked this week about how the year is divided into weeks months hours minutes and seconds

First Swimming 
Lesson with Mr.Xavi
Great fun, learning and excitement was had at our first swimming lesson of the year. Just look at our faces!!!

We Made Good Choices 

The children thought about their behaviour. Then they drew occasions when the choose to do the right thing either at school or at home.

Study Ladder
We are now going ahead with Study Ladder. The children all have their user name and passwords. This week we will be focusing on place value of numbers and basic English words.

We have been finding what each digit means in a number. We are talking about tens and ones throughout our maths lessons.

Unit Of Inquiry
We have started to think about the choices we make in our life. We are specifically thinking about the choices we make with regard to the food that we eat, or don't eat.
We are talking about food pyramids and food groups.

