Thank You 
Well it's all but over! Miss Am and myself would like to say thank you for all your support and hard work you have done with your children this year. You can really see a difference in all of the students. They have grown up somewhat and are more independent than before. 
We both hope you have a relaxing holiday and we look forward to seeing you at the start of the new school year.

Our Song 
We are getting ready to perform at the end of year farewell concert. We hope you will enjoy our two pieces next Wednesday.

We have discovered a new independent learning math game. The students are enjoying using the game to learn new math skills and strategies. Yes it can be used during the holidays.

We visited the library for the last time this year and we found out that a couple of the students still haven't returned their library books. Please if you could have a look around your home and if you find any school library books. can you return them to school next week. Thanks.

Our assembly this week was held to say thank you to the service staff at the school. Without these people the school would not be able to function the way it does. 

At the farewell concert we will have on display, a group of computers that will show off our computer skills and the work we have done this year. 
Please look out for the display on Wednesday.

